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Senior Auditor
Baker Tilly Armenia
02 Jul 2024
Card Product Senior Specialist
02 Jul 2024
Kaspersky Lab System Engineer
Career Center Partner Company
02 Jul 2024
Durable Housing Technical Lead
Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture (CNFA)
24 Jun 2024
Manager Analyst
02 Jul 2024
Child Protection Case Manager
Armenian Red Cross Society
01 Jul 2024
Սպասարկման Մասնագետ
01 Jul 2024
Զանգերի Կենտրոնի Մասնագետ
01 Jul 2024
Grand Candy
01 Jul 2024
Auto Loan Officer
28 Jun 2024
Purchase of Intellectual Services (Local Consultancy) to Support the Project Enhancing Social Human Rights in Armenia
Council of Europe Office in Yerevan
28 Jun 2024
Content Manager of Marketplaces
28 Jun 2024
Armenia's Wine Sector Development Strategy
Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture (CNFA)
28 Jun 2024
Assistant to Service Manager
Wayland Armenia
27 Jun 2024
Executive Director
American Chamber of Commerce in Armenia
27 Jun 2024
Homework-Online Coordinator
RSM International (Russian School of Mathematics)
26 Jun 2024
Deputy Director
RSM International
26 Jun 2024
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ GmbH
25 Jun 2024
24 Jun 2024
24 Jun 2024
Loan Officer
24 Jun 2024
24 Jun 2024
Պայմանագրային Ապահովման Բաժնի Ավագ Մասնագետ
24 Jun 2024
SME Lending Chief Specialist
24 Jun 2024
Internal Auditor
24 Jun 2024
Operational Risk Management Senior Specialist
24 Jun 2024
SME Lending Senior Specialist
24 Jun 2024
Technical Monitoring Specialist
24 Jun 2024
Leasing Services Specialist
24 Jun 2024
Grants/Finance Manager
Eurasia Partnership Foundation
24 Jun 2024
Mobile App Product Owner
21 Jun 2024
Grants Officer
Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture (CNFA)
21 Jun 2024
Social Inclusion Specialist
Democracy International
21 Jun 2024
Brand Manager
"TOR" LLC/ "SARD" Building Chain Store
20 Jun 2024
List Group
20 Jun 2024
Որակի Վերահսկման Բաժնի Ղեկավար
19 Jun 2024
Working Group Leader
Development Professionals Inc.
19 Jun 2024
Chief of Party (COP)
Caucasus Research Resource Center-Armenia
19 Jun 2024
Administrative Assistant
Chemonics International Inc
18 Jun 2024
MEL System Technical Expert
Democracy International
18 Jun 2024
M&E Focal Point to MLSA for Coordinating M&E Structural Units
Democracy International
18 Jun 2024
Call for Resumes, Roster USAID South Caucasus Regional Water Management Program
Armenian Branch of Deloitte Consulting Overseas Program
18 Jun 2024
Ռեզյումեների Ներկայացման Հայտարարություն
Armenian Branch of Deloitte Consulting Overseas Program
18 Jun 2024
Մեդիագրագիտության Վերաբերյալ Վերլուծական Աշխատանքի Կատարման և Գործիքակազմի Մշակման Հայտերի Մրցույթ
Near East Foundation
05 Jun 2024
Call for Proposals to Develop Media Literacy Analytical Paper and Toolkit
Near East Foundation
18 Jun 2024
Social and Economic Integration Interventions for the Displaced Population from Nagorno-Karabakh (NK) in Armenia
Democracy International
17 Jun 2024
Social Media and Digital Marketing Manager
15 Jun 2024
Call for Proposal: Developing a Manual on Volunteering and Civic Engagement and Conducting Workshops on Volunteer Engagement
Near East Foundation
14 Jun 2024
Կամավորության և Քաղաքացիական Ներգրավվածության Վերաբերյալ Ձեռնարկի Մշակման և Աշխատանքային Հանդիպումների Կազմակերպման Մրցույթ
Near East Foundation
14 Jun 2024
Transboundary Water Specialist, Objective Lead
Armenian Branch of Deloitte Consulting Overseas Program
13 Jun 2024
Call for Proposals for Provision of Medical Insurance for GIZ National Staff Members
13 Jun 2024
South Caucasus Regional Water Management Program (SCRWM)
12 Jun 2024
Annual Program Statement (APS) for the Award of Grants
South Caucasus Regional Water Management Program (SCRWM)
12 Jun 2024
Economic Researcher
Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in Yerevan
12 Jun 2024
11 Jun 2024
Медицинский Представитель
Beta Pharm
10 Jun 2024
Cash and Voucher Assistance Coordinator
Armenian Red Cross Society
10 Jun 2024
Առաջնորդության Զարգացման Ղեկավար Հյուսիսի Տարածաշրջանում
Teach for Armenia
07 Jun 2024
Առաջնորդության Զարգացման Ղեկավար Հարավի Տարածաշրջանում
Teach for Armenia
07 Jun 2024
Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in Yerevan
07 Jun 2024
Partner Company
06 Jun 2024
Mechanical Engineer
Partner Company
06 Jun 2024
Product Owner
05 Jun 2024
Eve Management LLC
04 Jun 2024
Գլխավոր Հաշվապահ
Eve Management LLC
04 Jun 2024
Development and Implementation of a Target Group-specific Strategic Communication Focusing on Governance Especially the Area of Fight Against Corruption and Other Related Topics in Governance
12 Jan 2024
Development and Implementation of a Target Group-specific Strategic Communication Focusing on Governance Especially the Area of Fight Against Corruption and Other Related Topics in Governance
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Company: The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Start Date: From February – March 2024
Deadline: 26 January 2024


Call for Proposals


GIZ intends to award a contract to a local company for the Development and implementation of a target group-specific strategic communication focusing on governance especially the area of fight against corruption and other related topics in governance. The detailed Terms of Reference (ToR) of the assignment in English is attached to this Announcement.
If you are awarded the contract, you are not excluded from bidding for the implementation of the following project phase. However, a prerequisite for participation in a subsequent tender is that you do not benefit from your involvement in the previous contract and that the equal treatment of all bidders is ensured.

The Multi-Donor Action “Governance Progress Board of the Eastern Partnership Countries”
is jointly co-financed by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by GIZ as part of the BMZ project “Eastern Partnership Regional Fund for Public Administration Reform”. The objective of the Action is the enhancement of evidence-based policy through improved monitoring of good governance and rule of law reforms.
The Eastern Partnership (EaP) is a specific Eastern dimension to the European
Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) that was launched in 2009. The aim of the partnership is to
strengthen and deepen the political and economic relations between the European Union, its Member States and six Eastern European and South Caucasus partner countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus (suspended), Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine). On December 14, 2023, in light of the partnership results achieved by Ukraine and Moldova, and of the ongoing reform efforts, the European Council opens accession negotiations with both countries. In the case of Georgia, in light of the results achieved, the Commission
recommends that the Council grants Georgia the status of a candidate country.
Furthermore, Armenia has also agreed to carry out reforms in line with the agreed priorities
and commitments made within this framework of the EaP.
The EU-Armenia Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement (CEPA) provides a solid basis to further enhance the reform agenda in areas of mutual interest. Armenia and the EU continue their political and trade dialogue. The EU encouraged the country to carry on with the implementation of concrete reforms in line with the CEPA.
In that context Eastern Partnership Regional Fund for Public Administration Reform
(EaP RF PAR) implemented by GIZ in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice of
Armenia (MoJ) will support the Strategic Communication document development on
the Governance areas within the scope of EU Partnership. The support will
specifically focus on Whistle blowing system reinforcement within the scope of fight
against corruption and communication channels. The target group of the communication
is the government staff and public. The development of a target group specific
communication strategy and materials as well as capacity building activities are the main
deliverables of these ToR.
The Multi-Donor Action “Governance Progress Board”1 project of Eastern Partnership
Regional Fund for Public Administration Reform (EaP RF PAR) implemented by GIZ is
invited by DG NEAR to contribute to the EU accession processes in EaPs and the overall
reporting process. The integration of the findings into the "Enlargement Package" is not part of the action and is also not within the responsibility of GIZ.

Tasks to be performed by the contractor
The contractor should be a company (regardless of organisational and legal form) registered in Armenia to carry out this assignment. The assignment shall focus on the development and implementation of a target group-specific strategic communication focusing on governance especially the area of fight against corruption and other governance-related topics. In close cooperation with the Ministry of Justice and GIZ the contractor will undertake the following work packages.

- Work Package 1: Development of a target group-specific strategic
communication document In this work package, the challenges of strategic communication in the area of the fight against corruption and other governance-related topics should be identified together with the MoJ and GIZ expert group. Furthermore, a specific target group should be defined. Based on the challenges and the target groups, the contractor will develop and adapt a strategic communication document and agree it with the MoJ and GIZ. It is planned to hold a communication strategy workshop(s) to present the document for the target group(s). An important part of the strategic communication document is the cost estimate for its implementation.
The conception, design, organisation, and moderation of the workshop(s) is the
responsibility of the contractor in consultation with the MoJ and GIZ expert team. The
coordination process for the finalisation of the communication strategy package is the
responsibility of the contractor.
Milestones: Kick-off Meeting, Workshop Concept, Communication Strategy Workshop,
target group(s) definition, Strategic Communication document.

Work Package 2: Development of communication materials (based on the
strategic communication document) In the second work package, the actions identified in the Strategic Communication document (work package 1) will be implemented. This includes the production of the communication materials, such as publications and journalistic articles, campaigns in social media or other adapted products. The exact scope of the communication material should be defined in the communication strategy and agreed with MoJ and GIZ. The publication takes place in close coordination with MoJ and GIZ. Areas of activities are listed below:

A. Development of promotional materials - banners, brochures, on whistleblowing system
promotion and awareness raising in compliance with EU cooperation processes and CEPA
1. Info banners design and production
2. Info brochure design and production
3. Info banners placement in the state and Local Governance institutions, public
service units, medical service institutions, citizens’ reception areas, Higer
Education Institutions, etc.

B. Awareness-raising events in the regions of Armenia (at least 6), for the following target
1. Governorates and local municipalities
2. Responsible people for whistleblowing scheme
3. Community representatives’ rroundtables and materials dissemination
C. Rroll up banners (24) design and production on wistle blowing initiative.
1. 12 Roll up banners for Yerrevan in cooperreation with PR company.
2. 12 Roll up banners for Regions of Arrmenia.
D. Branded items on wistle blowing system and activities with wistelblowing messages.
1. Modules, guidebooks info brochures, mugs, pens, etc design and production in
cooperation with NGOs.
Milestones: presentation of the communication materials, publication of the
communication materials.

Other details can be found in the TOR file attached below.

In the technical offer, the tenderer is required to show how the objectives defined in Chapter 2 (Tasks to be performed) are to be achieved, if applicable under consideration of further method-related requirements (technical-methodological concept). In addition, the tenderer must describe the expert(s) profiles and management system for the service provision.
Note: The numbers in brackets correspond to the lines of the technical assessment grid. If
the weighting in the technical evaluation is zero (0%), no elaboration of the item in the
submitted technical-methodological concept is required.

Technical-methodological concept
Strategy (1.1): The tenderer is required to elaborate an interpretation of the objectives of
the ToRs with a critical examination of the tasks (see Chapter 1 Context) (1.1.1). Following
this, the tenderer presents and justifies the explicit strategy with which it intends to provide
the services for which it is responsible (see Chapter 2 Tasks to be performed) (1.1.2).
The tenderer is required to elaborate a presentation and an explanation of the
implementation plan including work steps, milestones, schedule (1.4.1) that describes how
the services according to Chapter 2 (Tasks to be performed by the contractor) are to be
Management approach of the contractor (1.6): The tenderer is required to explain its
approach for the coordination with the client GIZ (1.6.1). In particular, the management
requirements specified in Chapter 2 (Tasks to be performed by the contractor) must be
explained. The tenderer is required to draw up a personnel assignment plan (1.6.2) with
explanatory notes that lists all the experts proposed in the tender; the plan includes
information on assignment dates (duration and expert days) and locations of the individual
members of the team complete with the allocation of work steps as set out in the schedule.

Personnel concept
The bidder is required to provide personnel who are suited to filling the positions described, on the basis of their CVs, the range of tasks involved and the required qualifications.
The below-specified qualifications represent the requirements to reach the maximum number of points in the specialist assessment.
The tenderer is required to provide staff for the positions (‘experts’) referred to and described here in terms of the scope of tasks and qualifications on the basis of corresponding CVs.


Team leader (section 2.1 of the assessment grid (see the attached files below))

Tasks of the team leader:
- Overall responsibility for the working packages;
- Implementation of the work packages;
- Elaboration of the deliverables;
- Regular reporting in accordance with deadlines;
- Coordination of the Communication with contractor.

Qualifications of the team leader:
- Qualifications (2.1.1): University master’s degree in political science, communication, design or other course of study relevant to the sector;
- Languages (2.1.2): Knowledge of English on C1 in the Common European Framework of
Reference for Languages and C1 in Armenian in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages;
- General professional experience (2.1.3): At least 5 years of professional experience in strategic communication design and development in public sector communication focusing on the fight against corruption and other related areas such as independence judiciary, etc from EU Enlargement policy perspective.
- Specific professional experience (2.1.4): 5 years of professional experience development of strategy documents along with implementation plan focused on governance areas of EU
- Leadership/ management experience (2.1.5): 5 years of leadership experience as project team leader;
- Regional experience (2.1.6): 5 years of working experience in projects in the context of EU neighbourhood policy within the scope of EaP countries.

Experts Pool (on Fight against corruption topic) (Section 2.6 of the assessment grid) 2
to 3 experts.

Tasks of experts:
- Implementation of the work packages with a focus on work packages 1 and 2;
- Elaboration of the communication materials;
- Editing of the final material.

Qualifications of expert 2
- Qualifications (2.6.1): University master’s degree in University master’s degree in political
science, communication, design or other course of study relevant to the
- Languages (2.6.2): Knowledge of English on C1 in the Common European Framework of
Reference for Languages and C1 in Armenian in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages;
- General professional experience (2.6.3): 5 years of professional experience in strategy paper implementation, module design and delivery, workshop organisation;
- Specific professional experience (2.6.4): 5 years of professional experience social media management.

*The expert team should have specialists with a solid understanding of the task described
above. Responsibilities will include drafting social media content (copywriting), press
releases, and organising communication events, workshops regarding the strategic
communication document to promote awareness of European integration initiatives in line
with focus areas of governance (EU enlargement package perspective).

*The expert team should have a graphic designer to create visually engaging and easily
understandable marketing materials, such as brochures, infographics, and posters.
Following are the specific activities to be carried out within this work package;

Visibility actions following the requirements of the Donors to the project (BMZ and EU)
should be in place during the design and implementation of the project, agreed and reviewed by GIZ.

Costing Requirements can be found in the TOR file attached below the announcemnent.

Workshops and training
The Contractor shall be responsible for conducting the following workshop:
- Strategic Communication design and presentation/Workshop (Work package 1)
- Workshops on the communication action plan focused Fight against corruption topic
(Work package 2).

The contractor is responsible for the moderation, venue, and catering. A budget is to be
included in the financial offer.

Requirements on the Format of the Tender
The structure of the tender must correspond to the structure of the ToRs. In particular, the
detailed structure of the concept (Chapter 3) should be organised in accordance with the
positively weighted criteria in the assessment grid (not with zero). The tender must be legible (font size 11 or larger) and clearly formulated. It must be drawn up in English.

The complete tender must not exceed 10 pages (excluding CVs). If one of the maximum
page lengths is exceeded, the content appearing after the cut-off point will not be included in the assessment. External content (e. g. links to websites) will also not be considered.

The CVs of the personnel proposed in accordance with Chapter 4 of the ToRs must be
submitted using the format specified in the terms and conditions for application. The CVs
shall not exceed 4 pages each. They must clearly show the position and job the proposed
person held in the reference project and for how long. The CVs must be submitted in

As the contract to be concluded is a contract for works, please offer a fixed lump sum price
that covers all relevant costs (fees, travel expenses etc.). The price bid will be evaluated on
the basis of the specified lump sum price. In addition, please also provide the underlying
daily rate. A breakdown of days is not required.


If you are interested in performing this work, please submit a bid in accordance with the GIZ bidding conditions described below till 26 January 2024, 12:00 (date of receipt at GIZ). Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered.

Submission of hardcopy
Your bid, comprising the technical offer (company’s background, relevant experience, CVs of involved experts etc.) and the financial offer (signed document, including the number of working days of each expert) must be clearly marked and submitted as two separate sealed envelopes. The original of the Package Proposal shall be placed inside a sealed envelope clearly marked:

- Transaction number: 83457551 (Development and implementation of a target group-specific strategic communication focusing on governance especially the area of fight against corruption and other related topics in governance);
- Processing no.: 20.2247.3-008.00 ( Eastern Partnership Regional Fund for Public Administration Reform);
- [name of the Contractor];
- to be opened by Opening Team –

And be addressed to:
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Country Office Armenia, 59 Hanrapetutyan str., 8th floor, 0010 Yerevan, Armenia

The technical offer must always be separate from the financial offer.The Original Technical Proposal shall be placed inside of a separate sealed envelope clearly marked “T ECHNICAL PROPOSAL”, “[Name of the Assignment]“, [reference number], [name and address of the Contractor], and The Original Financial Proposal shall be placed inside of a separate sealed envelope clearly marked “FINANCIAL PROPOSAL” “[Name of the
Assignment], [reference number], [name and address of the Contractor]”.

Technical and Financial offers should be submitted in English language.

Financial offer
The proposal package is to be submitted in AMD. The payment will be done in local currency. Tax and customs privileges shall apply to this procurement. Please take this into consideration while preparing your company’s offer. The Tax Identification Number
of GIZ is: 02898241

Procedural questions
Please address any commercial, technical and procedural questions at an early stage. Questions will be answered if they are received at the latest two working days before the closing of the tender. Questions must be raised in writing by email only to:

Mrs. Kristine Ghambaryan

Evaluation of the Offer can be found in the Call for Proposals File attached to this announcement.

Please clearly mention in your application letter that you learned of this job opportunity through Career Center and mention the URL of its website -, Thanks.


file icon 83457551ToRFinal.pdf - TOR file icon 83457551AssessmentGrid.pdf - Assessment Grid file icon 83457551CallForProposals.pdf - Call for Proposals file icon 83457551CallForProposals.docx - Call for Proposals-docx file icon 83457551AVB local, March 2022 AM.pdf - Contract Terms in Armenian file icon 83457551AVB local, March 2022 EN.pdf - Contract Terms in English


The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) is an international cooperation enterprise for sustainable development with worldwide operations. It provides viable, forward-looking solutions for political, ecological and social development in a globalized world. GIZ promotes complex reforms and change processes, often working under difficult conditions.