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Public Awareness Actions on Whistleblowing System in Armenia
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Company: Dexis
Duration: Up to 12 months
Deadline: 11 February 2024


Request for Applications (RFA) 005 For a Fixed Amount Award (FAA) Grant


The Armenia Integrity Project (AIP) is a five-year program funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by Dexis Consulting Group. The aim of the project is to reduce opportunities for corruption and reinforce public demand for improved governance and accountability in Armenia. Specifically, AIP works with the Corruption Prevention Commission and the Ministry of Justice to support them to advance the Government’s corruption prevention agenda.

Whistleblowing and robust complaints mechanisms are increasingly recognized as crucial tools in preventing and uncovering corruption as well as addressing integrity violations. Citizens who constructively provide feedback play a critical role in exposing wrongdoing within organizations, thereby preventing harm, safeguarding human rights, saving lives, and upholding the rule of law. Given the secretive nature of corrupt behavior, these cases may continue to be unobserved unless discovered and reported by individuals willing to come forward.

Pursuant to the "Law on the Whistleblowing System," individuals can anonymously report corruption through the Unified Electronic Platform for Whistleblowing
This can include violations of conflict of interest, violations of rules of conduct or incompatibility requirements, violations/restrictions related to required asset declarations, and other violations that harm public interests within state and local self-government bodies and other organizations․ As to the incompatibility requirement the Law on Public Service, it is defined that public servants and persons holding public positions (except for the members of the community council of elders) may not hold a position not related to their status within other state or local self-government bodies, or any position within commercial organizations, or engage in entrepreneurial activities, or perform any other paid work, except for scientific, educational and creative work. Additionally, persons holding public positions and public servants shall be prohibited from being a representative of a third party in relations with a body where he or she is in service or which directly reports to him or her or is directly supervised by him or her; entering into property transactions with his or her close relatives or relatives-in-law as a representative of the state; using his or her official position for ensuring actual benefits or privileges for political parties, non-governmental, including religious, organizations; receiving honorarium for publications or speeches following from the performance of his or her official duties; using logistics, financial and information means, other state and/or community property and official information for non-official purposes, including purposes of pre-election campaign.

The Armenia General Prosecutor’s Office guarantees the anonymity of whistleblowers. This anonymity is a fundamental safeguard for whistleblowers, ensuring the protection of their personal data, protection from harmful actions and consequences arising from their whistleblowing activities (Article 10, the Law “On the Whistleblowing System”), and that the whistleblower’s identity remains undisclosed to both third parties and competent state bodies.

These descriptions provide a background and understanding for applicants under this RFA, defining the complexity of this subject area, providing the necessary background for grantees.

Goal of the Request for Applications (RFA):

The Armenia Integrity Project is supporting the Ministry of Justice's effort to increase the public’s trust in and use of the Unified Electronic Platform for Whistleblowing ( by raising awareness and educating the public on available governmental tools and general information (for example, the protection of whistleblowers) so that it is more understandable by the public.

The primary objective of this RFA is to identify an organization/organizations capable of leading awareness-raising campaigns in Yerevan and other regions of Armenia to promote public support for individuals who speak up against and report corruption: whistleblowers. Despite often facing threats to their livelihoods and even their lives, whistleblowers frequently are met with suspicion. This RFA seeks to support initiatives that aim to reduce negative perceptions surrounding whistleblowers, raise awareness about their vital role in the fight for a fairer society and their right to protection, and highlight the role of the unified electronic reporting system ( as well as other reporting mechanisms.

Target groups
Applicants should target a broad population with the objective of raising awareness about available mechanisms and addressing the need for a more positive public perception surrounding whistleblowing.
At a minimum, target groups should include,
i) vulnerable groups applying for social services, including the socially disadvantaged, disabled, and forcibly displaced as these groups may be more likely to witness wrongdoing in the public sector;
(ii) final-year university students and recent graduates, who are preparing to establish work/business relationships and may be more likely to witness wrongdoing in the workplace early in their careers;
(iii) legal entities, such as commercial enterprises, non-profit organizations, and local self-government representatives, as they regularly engage in procurement and other contractual relationships; and
(iv) applicants are encouraged to identify other relevant target groups.
Specific objectives and deliverables

Applicants are invited to submit proposals to address following objective:
Promote public support for individuals who speak up against and report corruption: whistleblowers.

Objective 1, the submitted proposals are advised to encompass, the following critical areas:

Development of a public awareness campaign on whistleblowing.
• Create the concept for a public awareness-raising campaign on whistleblowing system in the country, including digital marketing, messaging, and promotional materials on whistleblowing mechanisms.
• In close cooperation with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia (MoJ) and the Project, develop a promotion plan for an information awareness raising campaign and execution of a future public campaign.
• Development and production of the promotional materials:
- Five (5) informational videos about the whistleblowing system encompassing the following themes:
- 1. What are corruption cases.
- 2. Using to report corruption cases.
- 3. Whistleblowing, persons related to the whistleblower, the duty of the whistleblower to act in good faith.
- 4. Which agency should be considered the competent authority after receiving complaints.
- 5. Types of whistleblowing: internal, external and whistleblowing procedures
- 24 thematic information posters about the whistleblowing system to be installed in 12 administrative districts of Yerevan city as well as other marzes (at least 4).
- Short digital slideshow about the whistleblowing system and posting a relevant link (button) to access on the official websites of relevent state institutions, including MoJ.
- Campaign visibility items for distribution within the project activities (such as information booklets, T-shirts, cups, pens, Usb drives, rubber bracelets).
- Informational panels-monitors and stands to display informational materials about the whistleblowing system to be installed by public and private institutions in reception halls for citizens, organisations providing public services, reception halls for citizens within state community bodies, citizen admission areas in medical institutions, universities, main halls of the courts, health institutions, and local self-government bodies.
- Produce additional information and visual materials for the campaign.

General Approach:
Proposed grant activities should be implemented in cooperation with the MoJ and the Project as well as be in line with the MoJ Communication Actions on Whistleblowing System in 2023. Additionally, after an initial review of all applications, AIP will request the top three short-listed applicants to present a letter of intent for cooperation agreed upon with the MoJ.

Awardee(s) will be encouraged to establish cooperative relationships with other relevant stakeholders, especially members of the intergovernmental working group on whistleblowing/complaints. Awardee(s) will also be expected to coordinate activities with AIP-supported CSO (Civil Society Organization) initiatives targeting integrity and anticorruption.

Subject to the availability of funds, Dexis expects to award one Fixed Amount Award grant under this RFA.

The estimated total amount available and period of performance for this grant award is:
Objective 1 - 20,000,000 AMD with a period of performance of up to 12 months.

The Armenia Integrity Project reserves the right not to make any award or fund any grant under this RFA.


All applications and modifications thereof must be submitted electronically. Please email the completed applications to: no later than the closing date/ time stated on the front page of the RFA cover letter.

The complete application package must be submitted in the required format with the required attachments. This includes:
1. Grant Application Form
2. Grant Budget Form (in the required Excel format)
3. Grantee Self-Assessment for Fixed Amount Awards
4. Proof of legal registration
5. Proof of the organization’s active registration at (this link includes instructions on registering on
6. Profile and portfolio of the applicant organization with information about previous experience with projects of similar scale and methodology
7. Structure of the team - qualifications and experience of team members – CVs of team members and consultant-experts

The application language is English.


Anticipated timeline
Issuance date: January 11, 2024
Question submission deadline: January 18, 2024
Knowledge and clarification session: January 23, 2024
Deadline for submission of proposals: February 11, 2024, 23:00 (Armenian time)
Award of grant (estimated): May 1, 2024**
Completion of Award (at minimum): May 1, 2025**
** Dates are tentative

Any questions concerning this RFA should be submitted by emailing no later than January 18, 2024. All the questions and answers will be posted on the Dexis website.

An in-person, informational “Knowledge and Clarification Session” will be held on January 23, 2024, at 15:00 PM Armenian Time at AIP’s office (28 Zarobyan street, Yerevan, RA).

All the relevant information including Request for Applications (RFA) 005, Grant application form, Grant budget form and Grantee Self-Assessment for Fixed Amount Awards are in attached files.

Please clearly mention in your application letter that you learned of this job opportunity through Career Center and mention the URL of its website -, Thanks.


- Types of organizations eligible to apply for the grant:
a) Non-for-profit organizations (public organizations and foundations)
b) Partnerships of non-for-profit-organizations
- Organizations applying for this grant must:
a) be officially registered and working in compliance with all applicable Armenian civil and fiscal regulations, including but not limited to pertinent local laws and status;
b) have three or more years of experience in the anti-corruption field during the last five years;
c) have one year of experience in implementing educational, training and awareness programs within the last four years; and
d) have a proven track record in the development, organization, and delivery of public relations and communications initiatives.
- Applications from “debarred organizations” will not be processed. “Debarred organizations” are excluded from receiving federal grants. Debarment is also referred to as “exclusion” and “suspension”.
- Applicants must include a signed statement that their organization is not affiliated with any political party or parties.
- Organizations applying for this grant should present information on the accountability and financial transparency of their organization, in particular, public reports on funding from state funds, grants provided by international organizations, programs, and their costs (to be reflected in the Attachment 3. Grantee self-assessment form).
- Organizations applying for this grant should present detailed and complete information about their staff (to be reflected in Attachment 1. Grant application form).
- Organizations applying for this grant should provide evidence of any professional PR expertise, either within the organization or any experts they intend to include. The organizations may receive a request to submit CVs during the review process.

Note: Cost share is not allowed.


file icon REQUEST_FOR_APPLICATIONS_005_Whistleblowing_Objective 1.docx - Request for Applications (RFA) 005 file icon 1. Grant application form.docx - Grant application form file icon 2. Grant budget form.xlsx - Grant budget form file icon 3. Grantee Self-Assessment for Fixed Amount Awards.docx - Grantee Self-Assessment for Fixed Amount Awards


Dexis Interactive Incorporated INC, (Dexis) supports the development of more just and democratic societies by providing technical assistance to strengthen justice sector institutions, combat corruption, and increase the involvement of civil society in reform initiatives. The Company has completed long-term projects in more than 120 countries around the world, including many fragile and post-conflict states. Dexis has provided technical assistance in such areas as improving access to justice; institutional strengthening; legislative and policy reform; judicial training and legal education; and security sector reform. The Company has implemented anti-corruption projects focused on increasing government accountability and transparency; improving the investigation and prosecution of corruption; and promoting citizen participation and access to information. Its principal client is the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).